Post Digital GDC

Hello everyone!

I hope you all have been doing well. These past few weeks have been really busy for me and have kept me active. Two weeks ago, I served as a Conference Associate at GDC (Game Developer’s Conference). I was also able to spend the last week working on finishing various projects, including a short project that I started at GDC. I made this short project in Twine as part of a writing exercise. It was a lot of fun to be a part of this exercise. I love seeing how different writers work and discussing their techniques is a lot of fun. This week I was also able to continue my run through of Curse of Strahd. The players all seemed to have a lot of fun last week so I’m looking forward to our next session. We’ll be doing one of my favorite aspects of the campaign in the next session.

GDC this year was a lot of fun. It was all online this year which meant my job was all about monitoring chats and zoom calls. This was also the first year that I was able to do the job of a floater. At a normal GDC floaters monitor and check in on other CA’s. This is to help make sure that they have everything they need and if things get too uncomfortable, they have someone to get help. In the digital format the floater served in this way still, but it was much easier. We were able to have multiple windows open at once allowing us to monitor the sessions directly. It was also nice to be back at GDC with the other Conference Associates, even if it wasn’t in person. It was a blast to just talk with them and play some games together. I look forward to the next GDC.

Well till next time you guys. I hope you have a wonderful week and that I have some exciting news soon.

Events and Networking

Hello everybody!

I hope you all had a good week. My last week was actually very exciting. I received an email saying that I was accepted to be a Conference Associate for GDC again and I went to a networking event last night. The networking event went well. I wasn’t there for very long but I met a few interesting people. I also got my resume reviewed by a gentleman there who was very helpful. I’ll be reworking my resume a bit around his feedback and other feedback I got. Hopefully, with those changes I’ll be in a better place.

As for being accepted as a Conference Associate I’m super excited to be going down again. GDC, or the Game Developers Conference, is an amazing event filled with all sorts of awesome people. My first time as a CA was last year. It was a blast, I joined a whole new family of extraordinary proportions. It’s also going to be a great place for me to network and possibly get some interviews. I’m so excited for the event I can’t wait for it. For anyone in the gaming industry I recommend it. Last time I wasn’t 21 so I couldn’t attend any of the mixers but now I can. The mixers are the best places to network and meet all sorts of new people. So I believe I’ll go down at and come back revamped and even more excited.

Well till next week you guys. I hope you guys have a great week and maybe next week I’ll have more exciting news.